Design business
비즈니스 준비된 해외 디자인전문기업, 우수디자인기업입니다.
‘기술(T) x 디자인(D) = 성공(S)’ 디자인 파트너입니다.
[Berlin, Germany / London, UK] #Branding #Design and Development #Video and Motion
바탈리온: 전략, 디자인, 기술의 강력한 융합으로 성공을 이끄는 그룹
battalion: Achieve success with strong convergence of strategy, design and technology
2021. 07. 12 조회 : 131
Our work is purposeful – with strategy at the core of everything we do. Our clients have big dreams and need help with making their budgets go as far as possible. So we are tactical with every step, making strategic moves that help our clients reach their goals within budget. Battalion approaches each project with foresight and care, starting with the overall target and strategy of the brand, we pour over the angles and create a brief that fits. The individual pieces are then machined and placed into the brand structure as a whole, resulting in a consistent presence, from the logo, your message, digital channels and beyond. Battalion often works with new and innovative companies, a lot of which are still in their scale-up phase – and the mentality that is needed to succeed is exceptional. We apply it to our own processes to deliver success. We embrace this philosophy to help our clients to achieve their mission.
Fridai is the worlds first AI voice assistant, developed specifically for gamers. Fridai needed messaging guidelines and a website design which would communicate the value of the app and promote its onboarding within the gaming community. Drawing on our learnings about the gaming community, we created a brand that leveraged gamers insider references to cult games and characters to create an authentic connection. From this strategic point, we created messaging and visual guidelines which then informed the creation of bespoke content for Fridai’s website.
Datatecnics provide nanotechnology and IoT solutions for monitoring water supplies. They are an innovator in a traditional market sector and needed a way to communicate their complex technology solutions through a brand that is persuasive to their traditional and risk-averse audience. We felt that a clean and simple visual language for Datatecnics would be key to communicating their offering. We developed a range of bespoke illustrations for Datatecnics’ based upon technical drawings. This style formed the bases of the website designs.
디자인코리아페스티벌 사무국(한국디자인진흥원)
주소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 양현로 322 코리아디자인센터, 한국디자인진흥원
사업자 번호: 208-82-00065
Tel. 031-780-2111 ㅣ E-mail. dkf@kidp.or.kr
[디자인비즈니스] Tel. 070-4327-8109 ㅣ E-mail. jino@alt-c.co.kr
[디자인스타트업] Tel. 02-777-2892 ㅣ E-mail. plan@alt-c.co.kr
[주니어디자이너 잡페어] Tel. 070-4327-8108 ㅣ E-mail. br48@alt-c.co.kr