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[Portland, US / Tokyo, Japan] #brand making #digital design #service design #product development
지바: 사고의 명확성과 실현가능한 비전으로 꿈을 이루는 디자인 기업
Ziba: Make dreams happen through clarity of thought and feasible vision
2021. 07. 06 조회 : 159
We readily acknowledge that any success we’ve enjoyed has been the result of working with clients who view our relationship as a partnership. Clients who value creativity as a tangible business asset. They may appreciate the accolades, awards, and press coverage our collaborations often bring. Because they love to win. But winning for them means that their customers win. Which is why the focus of our creativity is always on the customer’s experience. People who work at Ziba tend to be relentlessly curious, always questioning, always pushing, forever seeking out best practices in order to invent better ones. This requires confidence and humility, discipline and humanity, rigor and compassion. Above all, we look for evidence of empathy. Because we’ve learned that empathetic people make better designers. They simply care more deeply about the experiences of their fellow human beings. If there’s a mantra that drives every person who works here, it’s, “Always do the right thing and always do it in the right way.” We find beauty in that ethos. And we hope you find it here, too.
How do you champion physical products in a digital-first world?
A flexible interactive display platform that turns a physical product into a thrilling digital/analog experience. Ziba created the Adidas Gear Case, a durable, low-cost interactive kiosk that overlays a transparent touchscreen over a physical shoe display. Interaction is intuitive for nearly any customer, and adds an immersive brand experience—and a touch of magic—to familiar retail environments. 
Best buy
What gets digital consumers excited about in-store shopping?
An ecosystem of house branded accessories beats e-commerce with flexibility and customization. After diving deep into consumer expectations and opportunities for in-store delight, the Ziba team focused on mobile accessories: cables, cases, speakers, headphones. The Modal line of mobile accessories features simple shapes, straightforward functionality, a range of bright, fun colors—and it’s only available in-store.
디자인코리아페스티벌 사무국(한국디자인진흥원)
주소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 양현로 322 코리아디자인센터, 한국디자인진흥원
사업자 번호: 208-82-00065
Tel. 031-780-2111 ㅣ E-mail. dkf@kidp.or.kr
[디자인비즈니스] Tel. 070-4327-8109 ㅣ E-mail. jino@alt-c.co.kr
[디자인스타트업] Tel. 02-777-2892 ㅣ E-mail. plan@alt-c.co.kr
[주니어디자이너 잡페어] Tel. 070-4327-8108 ㅣ E-mail. br48@alt-c.co.kr